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In observance of President's Day, the Parish Office will be closed Monday, February 17.


Building Now - The Capital Campaign to Build Our Church & Stable Home

Building Now Logo 1.24.19

Building Fund vs. Building Now
• If you consistently give to the Building Fund, please consider helping us achieve our goal of raising $5 million by transferring your contributions into a five-year pledge to the capital campaign, Building Now.
• Our goal of raising $5 million is critically important to our ability to successfully prove to ourselves and the diocese that we can afford our new church home. If you consistently give to the Building Fund, please know that the Building Nowcapital campaign will serve the purpose of ensuring that our permanent and stable home is built now.
• Thank you for the ongoing support of many generous parishioners over the years in support of the Building Fund.

Click Here to Download the Corpus Christi Pledge Form

Click Here to Access Faith Direct