Families MUST be registered with the Parish prior to enrolling in religious education.

 Your Parish ID number is necessary for the enrollment process. The Parish ID number can be
 obtained from your offering envelopes, Faith Direct under “update personal information tab “or
 by contacting the parish office.

 RE students returning to the program must re-register each year. First Holy Communion and
 Confirmation are TWO-YEAR programs. To receive these Sacraments, your child must
 complete both years.

 Registrations are considered complete when:

 1. Online Registration form is submitted.

 2. Online payment is complete through FAITH DIRECT

 3. BAPTISM and BIRTH certificate submitted for Students enrolling to prepare for First Holy
 Communion or Confirmation, including Sacrament Prep (students missing a Sacrament).


Click Submit Form to send this information to Corpus Christi Catholic Church.

*Required fields

Instructions Once registration form is complete and submitted, you will be automatically directed to Faith Direct where you will make your payment using a credit, debit card or ACH withdrawal.
Please remember, if your child will be receiving First Communion or Confirmation, you must pay the Sacramental Prep fee in addition to the Registration Fee.

*Family Options  New Famil  Update Existing Family   ID Number: 
  Call Corpus Christi Catholic Church at (703) 378-1037, if you do not know your ID Number.

Head of Household
Title *First Name *Last Name Suffix
  Middle Name   Nickname Maiden Name
  Birth Date *Gender
Marital Status
*Phone 1 ( ) - Unlisted
*Email 1   Unlisted

Title   First Name   Last Name Suffix
  Middle Name   Nickname Maiden Name
  Birth Date Gender
Marital Status
  Phone 1 ( ) - Unlisted
  Email 1   Unlisted

Family Street Address
*Line 1
  Line 2

Family Phone Numbers
*Primary ( ) - Unlisted
  Other ( ) - Unlisted
Family Email Address
*Email   Unlisted

Enroll Student 1         Do Not Enroll Student 1
Student 1
*First Name *Last Name Suffix
  Middle Name   Nickname
*Birth Date *Gender
Sacraments   Name Received Date
*First Communion
*Class Choices
*Class 1
Student Remarks
  General Remarks
  Health Problems
  Other Conditions

Click Submit Form to send this information to Corpus Christi Catholic Church.

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